Saturday, July 16, 2011

Will this FINALLY drive an Aries away?

Okay, im sorry, but I KNOW astrology and it is FAKE. Ive studied it for awhile now, im a major in astronomy and its related. Everything about astrology, factually, is COMPLETELY WRONG. If anyone actually took the time to learn about these things instead of just believing in it, then nobody would believe in astrology! I knew the signs were wrong years before they discovered it recently. Yeah, are you even sure your sign is right? Do you even know what the signs mean? Its the constellation that the sun rose in on your birthday. We've had them wrong for hundreds/thousands of years! We were using the same signs that the ancients made, and the sky has changed! Horoscopes are made so everyone can find a piece of themself in it. They are VAUGE. Ive seen numerous studies where they give the same horoscope to many different people, and they ALL think it's theirs. I guess the 'fortune teller' didn't know what she was talking about. Constellations aren't even real, to a point. It's alll about where you are when you view the stars. For example, if we were looking at pegasus from bettlegeuse, we would see something compleeetttelyy different. space is 3 dimensional. And the constellations are incorrectly spaced along the ecliptic! Some nearly cross, some are very far apart and some aren't even within the ' correct degree' from the ecliptic. Every fact about astrology is WRONG. Sorry. You believe in something I don't think you know anything about. Oh and I forgot. My class studied the horoscopes in a local newspaper. Within a month or two, they had repeated the same horoscopes for different signs. It's alll fake.

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